In Tanzania, each health facility has a lead known locally as the ‘in-charge.’ The in-charge is typically the most senior medical staff member and is responsible for staff management and delivery of services at their facility. Mama na Mtoto works with the Community Health Management Teams (CHMT) in Kwimba and Misungwi districts to build their skills in supporting the health facilities and in-charges and ensuring that women and children are receiving quality MNCH care.
During the first week of July, the CHMTs of both districts gathered in Hungumalwa, Kwimba for a Leadership and Management Training Workshop. The workshop focused on fostering ownership in providing quality care. Participants discussed the challenges they face leading teams and running facilities with limited resources in remote villages. Hands on activities like the ‘Knotty Problem’ (pictured below) provide active and fun opportunities to practice communication and problem-solving skills.