
Mama na Mtoto worked in Mwanza, Tanzania, a region that reported especially high rates of death during pregnancy and childbirth, newborn deaths and malnutrition. Our activities involved communities, health workers and leaders working together towards a unified goal of promoting mother and child health.
Our 3 key areas of activity:
We worked together with district health managers to strengthen district-wide health systems. Improved planning, supervision, data use and transportation between facilities all contribute to better maternal and child health.
We supported training workshops for rural health providers. Participants practiced and learned skills to better manage regular care and emergencies during pregnancy, delivery and when children get very sick. Mama na Mtoto also supported basic equipment and small renovation needs for facilities.
A large network of hardworking, volunteer community health workers (CHWs) is the backbone of our community program’s success. CHWs provide a critical link between communities and health facilities.
Each community selected their own health volunteer, who trained for three weeks before returning to his/her community to promote health to local households. This resulted in significant change in communities, including increased visits to local facilities for care and deliveries.